Active Directory Project

Project Concluded:   October 05, 2020

DB Reference:   dc_access_ad

Last Updated:   September 26, 2023

microsoft active directory logo


Due to the requirment from different projects, the server cluster contains a a number of Windows machines, especially for those in the storage cluster. This project aims to provide a centralized authentication for all windows computers and some of the Linux machines. In that case, a user can switching between servers and access domain resources quickly without a hassle.

Specification & Structures

As of April 2023, the system has the following specification:

Hardware: 2 * 2 Core CPU & 4G Memory Virtual Server for AD1

Hardware: 2 * 2 Core CPU & 4G Memory Virtual Server for AD2

OS: Windows Server 2019 for Primary DC, and Windows Server 2022 for secondary DC.

Detailed Description

Prior to beginning, I conducted an detailed search online to confirm that Active Directory was what I want. I studied various guides on the functionality of AD and how to configure the domain controller. Finally, I created a virtual machines, installed Windows, and configured a domain controller for non-research servers(AD2). The reason is that I dont want to risk damanging the running research machines unless I'm sure on the outcome

Once I finished setting up AD2, I start working on AD1, which is AD for the research machines.

two domain controllers on k1 hypervisor.

Initially, each domain has only one domain controller. However, as the need for increased reliability emerged, I opted to include a secondary domain controller for each domain. The secondary DC was deployed on virtual machines with a different hypervisor, with the purpose of minimizing the impact of possible hardware failures.